One of the big pushes for the fall is to encourage families to worship together. The reasoning behind this is to build a faith bond as a family and it will also help children to understand what it looks like to worship God corporately. I am not really all that interested in whether or not the kids sit quietly next to mom and dad reciting the creeds, sitting, and standing when deemed appropriately or... whether they run down the aisle, doodle with all the hearts, or giggle throughout the whole service. It is not necessarily about whether we are teaching our kids how to be "good" Christians, but about teaching them what it looks like to be a part of the Body of Christ. Some of my best memories as a child include sitting next to my mom at church singing and clapping along to southern gospel hymns. That time in the service, learning what it means to be in community, is formational.
Even more so, is the kids time at home. This curriculum, Tru, puts a huge emphasis on the bring it home side of children's ministry. It focuses on empowering families to grow together in their faith. It equips parents to encourage implementing a family devotion time as well as building relationships through everyday situations. Every month each family will be receiving a newsletter which will include some amazing write-ups, family activities, devotions, and so much more. They can access a weekly newsletter from their ipod or iphone with Tru's Homefront app. This fall I am excited to start a journey with the families here at Christ UMC. I am excited to see how God will work through each individual family to grow them together in their faith, as well as seeing how many different families will be able to partner together to encourage each other in faith, empower each believer in relationship, and glorify God through worship!