Monday, October 31, 2011


Stand tall knowing that God has called your name and stands behind you.
Stand knowing that He leads and stand knowing that He is your joy.
Stand strong.
Do not give into negativity or discouragement.
Do not lower your head.
Walk with confidence.
Have hope.
He sees you.
He hears you.
Believe it.
He calls your name.
You are His.
He remembers, now you need to.
Remember that you are Yahweh's.
You are called and you are His.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Spirit Filled Kidmin

With the move to using "Tru," kids will be faced with the opportunity to learn more about what it looks like to listen to God. The curriculum puts a strong emphasis on spiritual formation and what that really looks like for elementary age students. Along with weekly worship through songs and hand motions, kids will have time to respond to the message. From what I can tell this looks different every week, but some of the lessons that I was looking at the kids would respond to God through art, writing, small group discussions, etc.

At the end of the hour, adult small group leaders will lead and facilitate a time called "bless." During the last five minutes words of encouragement, prayers, scripture, or in other words "blessings" will be spoken over each kid individually and/or as a group. How incredible this could be!

Some of my most memorable moments in my walk with God are times when God spoke through others to reach me. One time that I can remember in particular was during my first summer after college. During that summer I was working at a camp as a counselor. It was after are first week of being counselors. The week was brutal and awesome. The campers at camp that first week were junior high students. It was a very full and fun time, but there were many challenges as well. One of my main hurtles that week was the mold that seemed to be growing in our lodge. I have pretty bad allergies and by the end of the week I had a full blown sinus infection and had lost my voice. It was also a pretty trying week spiritually; many of our kids had some pretty rough home lives and it really showed during a week away.

On our last night we were prepared by the camp leader of the week that we would be washing our camp family (a group of about 6 or so students) feet. They were told to go bare foot all day and we were really excited to get to serve them in the same way Christ did for His disciples. But there was a twist. Before we washed our groups feet, the camp leader asked the counselors to come up to the front and he proceeded to tell us that he was going to wash our feet. I really had gained a respect for this youth pastor throughout the week and was very humbled that he would do this for us. As he washed my feet (and he did the same for all the other counselors) he looked me in the eye and told me, only loud enough for me to hear, the different ways that he saw God use me that week. God spoke through him, and many of the doubts and fears that I was facing in regards to who I was in Christ were shot down through the words he or HE spoke to me. I can still recall that moment very clearly 3 years later.

Our "blessing" time on Sunday mornings will give us an opportunity to allow God to speak through us. These kids will grow up knowing what it means to speak truth over one another, to encourage one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

I am excited to see how God uses the small group leaders at Christ-UMC. I am excited to see the kids learn what it looks like to pray together and individually...and I am excited to see God move...I wait in hopeful anticipation that He will transform my heart, the leaders hearts, and our kids' hearts.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Some of you may be wondering what is this "Dig" that she is referring to? Some of you may not even have seen that I had referred to it, either way let me tell you all about Dig!

Starting on August 28th the kids at Christ United Methodist Church will be experiencing something a little different on Sunday mornings (as well as throughout the rest of the children's ministry). We will be going through the Bible stories consecutively. In order for all of the kids to experience the stories, we will be running the same program at both 9:30 and 11:00.

During both of these hours the kids will be worshipping God, responding to Him through prayer and the arts, going through the Bible stories and breaking off into small groups to dig deeper into the stories of the Bible through Scripture memory, group activities, group questions and prayer.

As a part of this "kick-off" and new curriculum we will be introducing a new name to call children's ministry (or kidmin). "Dig" signifies our hope of planting seeds of faith in the lives of kids, laying a Biblical foundation, and digging deep into the stories of God. Anytime you see "Dig" you will know that is a part of the children's ministry.

I feel honored to be a part of watching God teach and transform each of the kids, not only during the Sunday school hours, but also throughout other programs and opportunities! Stay tuned for more ways that you and your family can get plugged into Dig!

Check out the Dig ebook which helps explain the "big picture" It is free so just click download!

Story driven Kidmin

One of the things that I love most about children's ministry is the opportunity to tell the stories of the Bible in new and exciting ways that help the kids to understand more about who God is, His plan for humanity, and the stories that He has given to us. Each and every time that I have the chance to tell a Bible story I learn something new about God. It excites me to see kids make the connections and show interest in the Bible.

During the past couple of years, I have been focusing on finding more and more ways to tell the stories of God through acting, media, dialogue, etc. Interning under Jeremy Mavis has been a real help in this area in guiding me in my storying journey.

So as I said originally I really wanted to write my own curriculum. I love writing and creating and wanted to take this on. But then I found Tru. Tru must have read my mind. Their storying material is just awesome. (I know I can't get too excited until I actually use it a couple of weeks and see what needs to be adapted and all, but still it is cool...okay I am excited.) They include story telling materials such as large posters of the Bible characters, movie clips of the stories, tips for telling the story, and so much more.

One way that I hope to be able to help kids understand the stories is through Bible story telling stations. I want to create different ways that they can help recreate the story. This might include a storyboard (fancy name for big felt board) where they can literally put the character on the board and retell the story. I would also like to have a few art stations that will facilitate using art to retell the stories in another way. I have a couple more ideas, but time will tell!

So, I am excited for Bible storying. I can't wait to see the kids connect the dots between the stories and understand more about who God is. I pray in faith that God will work through His story to form in the kids at Christ-UMC a deep love for Him!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Family Centered Kidmin

So I just purchased the curriculum that we will be using in DIG for the next three years, and I have to say, I am just thrilled about all of it. We decided to go with Tru by David C. Cook. Though initially I was bummed because I really wanted to finish my own curriculum coincidentally called TrueStory, that would also go through the Bible in three years, I realize after going through all of the materials that Tru offers, that they are beyond what I could get done on my own! So for the next few posts I will be sharing with you my excitement about this coming fall here at Christ-UMC.

One of the big pushes for the fall is to encourage families to worship together. The reasoning behind this is to build a faith bond as a family and it will also help children to understand what it looks like to worship God corporately. I am not really all that interested in whether or not the kids sit quietly next to mom and dad reciting the creeds, sitting, and standing when deemed appropriately or... whether they run down the aisle, doodle with all the hearts, or giggle throughout the whole service. It is not necessarily about whether we are teaching our kids how to be "good" Christians, but about teaching them what it looks like to be a part of the Body of Christ. Some of my best memories as a child include sitting next to my mom at church singing and clapping along to southern gospel hymns. That time in the service, learning what it means to be in community, is formational.

Even more so, is the kids time at home. This curriculum, Tru, puts a huge emphasis on the bring it home side of children's ministry. It focuses on empowering families to grow together in their faith. It equips parents to encourage implementing a family devotion time as well as building relationships through everyday situations. Every month each family will be receiving a newsletter which will include some amazing write-ups, family activities, devotions, and so much more. They can access a weekly newsletter from their ipod or iphone with Tru's Homefront app. This fall I am excited to start a journey with the families here at Christ UMC. I am excited to see how God will work through each individual family to grow them together in their faith, as well as seeing how many different families will be able to partner together to encourage each other in faith, empower each believer in relationship, and glorify God through worship!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pushing Pause

Last week VBS was a great hit not only with the amount of kids being reached for Christ, but seeing them learn and grow throughout the week was very exciting. Though the week was an extremely busy one, it was definitely worth it.

To follow the week and kick off the holiday weekend, I and nine new friends went canoeing 14 miles on the Colorado River. I sometimes forget just how much I enjoy spending time outside. We started the trip off at a small taco stand sitting next to a gas station...skeptical? You shouldn't be, because those breakfast tacos were delicious. After fueling up, we "dropped in." The next few hours were full of paddling, laughter, and a hot sun (we did stop for a nice swim and lunch).

Being in nature feeling light and free was just what we all needed. After canoeing we stopped at a "Fievel Goes West" looking hamburger joint. While the ten of us crammed around a round wooden table, and a cowboy's tunes played behind me, I couldn't help but feel filled.

Ya know those moments where you are just completely and utterly exhausted? Your muscles ache, your nose is a little burnt, your eyes feel like they could give way to the much needed sleep any second, and you can't think past that moment... Those times when you look around and with a deep sigh and a content heart you realize that for just this short moment time seems to have stopped. Around that table with the sun setting in the background and a much needed cheeseburger and milkshake, I (and hypothetically- you) are given a chance pause and get ready for the next leg of the race...

Though I am completely and utterly thrilled to be running full speed in the race that God has placed me in, I am appreciative of the times that He pushes a pause button in my life. I am grateful that I serve a God who rested on day 7 and asks us to do the same.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Communion, Y'all, and VBS

So my first month here in College Station has been quite eventful! One of my first Sunday's here I was given the opportunity to lead in communion during the children's eleven o'clock service. This was one of those firsts that you just won't forget. If ever I doubted whether kids should participate in taking the Lord's supper, it has disappeared now. I did my best to tell the story of that last supper with the kids while staying true to the words which were spoken (thank you Constance Cherry). Then, one by one, the kids came up tore and with the help of youth volunteers dipped their bread into the cup. As I watched them, some serious, some giggly, some bouncy, I almost teared up. It was so innocent and pure and just beautiful. What a great welcoming.

This week is Christ UMC's VBS week! It has been such an adventure so far! I am so thankful for all of the volunteers, it would not be possible without them. I have loved getting to know the kids a little more as well as the parents. I can't believe we only have two days left! I'll have to give a recap next week sometime!

That's all for now. "Y'all" check back sometime next week for my next post!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

South is headin' South

In a few short days I will be heading to "Aggieland" aka College Station/Bryan, Texas.

This past month I wrote several papers, read a few books, took some tests, said goodbye to my best friends and mentors and was handed my diploma...well technically they sent it to me the next week in the mail, but you get it, I graduated.

After sorting through my closets, my turtle collection, and countless birthday cards, my stuff is on its way to Texas. Along with being an "Aggie" I have excepted a position at Christ UMC as the Children's Director. I am so excited to be starting a new journey and getting to know the people Christ UMC.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Seen to Unseen

Seen to Unseen - Elisha from Rachel South on Vimeo.

Hard to hear the skit...and a little blurry (what can I say... I'm a poor college kid)...but oh well, check it out!


This post isn't about Starbucks. I think we have all heard about the "community" that Starbucks brings...and we have all discussed how this relates to the church. We all now understand the stark reality that people yearn for true community...we get it.

This post is about understanding the importance of perspective. This week has been a whirlwind. I came back from spring break so excited for my future. I was refreshed. Something about being home with my family and seeing the excitement on their faces about what my future might possibly look like brought a joy into my anticipation for God's coming plans for my life.

Then I came back. I came back to the "bubble" (as some have termed it). I came back to IWU. I love IWU. I love my friends, my classes, my professors...I love our coffee shop, but something about putting 3,000 20-somethings together in one spot creates some anxiety. We are in the final stretch (for me ...of my final semester). People are worried about ...everything. They are worried about future jobs, future families, current grades, relationships, money...purpose.

This week many of my friends have been going through some difficult experiences...including me. It has been a week full of stress. Family illnesses, future plans changing, relationship stresses, etc.

I had the opportunity to meet with a professor this week. He helped me to sort through some of my confusion. He really cared. I also got a chance to meet with a mentor of mine from this summer. We talked about ministry, about storytelling, and about life.

Perspective. I sit here in Starbucks looking back at this past week...realizing that nothing really has changed from the week before ...except perspective. I sit here realizing that stress... emotions... confusion... and the unknown do not or, better yet should not, have the power to change my perspective. In six weeks, the future is the present. In six weeks the stresses of today will be stresses of yesterday. In six weeks the worries I had will no longer be will work out and life will continue on. I sit here realizing that no one person or scenario should have the power to change my excitement into dread.

Now...I look forward to the week that is coming. I choose to walk in anticipation of the future and not in fear of the unknown.

Thank you Starbucks.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Skits, Clips, and Stories ...oh my.

So, the past few weeks or so I have been trying to figure out new ways to tell stories in children's ministry. My goal has been to get the same message across to the children in the ministry in as many ways as I can ...while still keeping them interested.

This semester Jil Mazellan has given me the opportunity to teach on Wednesday nights. For these teaching moments I have been going through the book "Soul Shift" by David Drury and Steve DeNeff. All of College Wesleyan has been going through this series as a church...including sermons, small group time, Sunday school, and classes...this "shift" is a church-wide "shift."

That being said, some of these lessons have been a real challenge for me to teach. Drury and DeNeff outline many "shifts" and a few that I have taught on are: me to you, slave to child, ask to listen, and sheep to shepherd. The reason these lessons have been so challenging is not because they lack content, not at all, but because they have been very abstract ideas that I have had to bring down to a concrete level.

Some of the ways that I have been trying to help the children better understand the concepts are through skits. Each lesson has begun with a skit that takes the main story or idea and translates it in a way that they can better understand. My favorite skit has been the week that we focused on slave to child. My friend Bryce came in as a "slave" and explained to the kids how slowly after he began sinning more and more the handcuffs just appeared on him along with a name tag which read, "slave." He eventually decides to ask Jesus to break his chains and come into his heart. Then Bryce asked the kids to pray with him as he accepted Christ into his heart...and at that very moment the children had become so enthralled by the skit that they had forgotten it was a skit. It was incredible.

It amazed me to see how interested the kids were in hearing Bryce's story. It was real to them. They would listen intently...ask questions...and even bring the skits up later. They got it. Something about those beginning skits really click for them.

Another teaching tool that I have been testing out lately are video shorts. In preparation for one of my lessons I began searching the inter-webs for some sort of clip that I could add some variety to the lesson. While searching I found...just about...nothing. It was frustrating. I found no clips relating to Bible stories. Sure I found sermons...or songs...or testimonies...or gut-wrenching, tear-jerking sermon introductions...but for children's ministry options were very limited and the options I did find cost money.

So...I decided to try out my own "clip."

Sure it isn't fact I got a little embarrassed when watching it the first time...I could see my hands in the background, my voice sounded completely ridiculous, and well it was just plain hokey. But... but I decided that I had worked hard on that little clip and wanted to play it anyways...if it flopped...oh well, move on...

So I played it on a Wednesday night...and funny thing is ...the kids loved it...especially the squirrelly boys who can't seem to sit still or be quiet...they loved it. They giggled and quoted it again and again.

What did I learn? I learned that it is less about fancy graphics or perfect videography (I taped my camera to my roommates desk...yes taped...with the blue painters tape...) And it is even less about my talent as a comedian or entertainer...but it is about being real. It is about telling the stories that have been told for centuries. It is about helping kids understand more about who God is.


And I love it.

Sheep 2 Shepherd

So, this is a short clip used to help tell the parable of the lost sheep. Enjoy!

Sheep 2 Shepherd from Rachel South on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So I was looking for a clip on how Elijah heard God in a whisper...but I didn't find I made one! Check it out!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baptism Service

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to preach for my first time. It was a night baptism service. Take a look!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Follow the Light

Growing up I had a pretty great obsession with sea turtles. Starting in second grade I read every book that I could get my hands on from my elementary school's library. Soon there after my room was flooded with sea turtle figurines, posters, stuffed animals, mobiles, etc (hint - don't tell people that you collect something...unless you want millions...and that I did)

So sea turtles. My hidden (or not so hidden) obsession. I love them. I love how they glide through the water. I love their incredible colors. I love how there is so little known about these amazing creatures.

In the middle of the night, mother turtles crawl up on the very beach that they themselves were hatched, and lay their eggs. It is a very daunting task. Though sea turtles are swift in waters, they are slow and restricted on land. After about sixty days the eggs hatch, but the hatchlings are not yet home free. No, they have to, not only make it to the ocean and take their first swim, but they have to be one of the very few who survive into adult life.

Back to the night they hatch. So, they hatch. They fight their way out of the basketball size whole that they were in...and take off for the shore. To find their way they follow the moon. They follow the light.

How incredible. We are like those little hatchlings (bear with me a second). We come into the world (sometimes at the bottom of an enormous hole) and must "fight" our way to the top. Everything around us is pushing us down back into that hole. Everything around us is fighting against us, or along with us, and even after we make it out, even after we find our way to the beach, the journey is just beginning.

Like those little turtles we have to follow something,...or someone, in order to know which direction to go. We, like those little turtles, have to follow the light. Yes...there are distractions along the way...porch lights, flashlights, fog...but we those little turtles, must follow the path that has been lit for us.