Anyways...some friends (ehem...Nick and this guy - http://stuffchristianslike.net/2010/12/my-40-before-40-list/) have been making these lists and so I thought I would copy the idea and do my own.
1. Learn to throw on the potter's wheel.
2. Have an apartment - make some of my own furniture...furnish it with antiques and quirky items.
3. Finish writing my curriculum series for Children's Ministry.
4. Play tennis on a consistent basis.
5. Continue to be a learner - read fiction and non-fiction, write, write, and continue writing, dialogue with others who stimulate new ideas and challenge me to grow and think about things in a new way.
6. Surround myself with friends to share life with, and be in a small group.
7. Lead a children's ministry. Equip families, tell Bible stories, invest in the lives of children, and love everyone that I meet.
8. Maintain a healthy diet.
9. Buy an Ipad.
10. Hike, bike, kayak, and camp...not just talking about it, but doing it.
11. Start on my Master's.
12. Make my parent's proud.
13. Get published.
14. Go on a missions trip.
15. Find a mentor.
16. Go skiing or snowboarding.
17. Lead someone (hopefully multiple people) to Christ.
18. Learn to play my guitar (not just chords, but actual songs and be good enough to play in front of others).
19. Consistently go to a coffee shop and talk to the people there.
20. Own a dog.
21. Read through the entire Bible.
22. Learn to sew from my mom.
23. Sponsor a child through World Vision.
24. Go to a ministry conference (ex. Orange or Simply Youth Ministry)
25. Own, and know how to operate, a nice camera.
26. Volunteer at a sea turtle hospital...for at least a day.
27. Own a collection of records...and a record player.
28. Walk in the footprints of Christ getting closer and closer to Him each and every day.
Wow, Rachel. This is an awesome list. Totally do-able. I love it. :)