Growing up I had a pretty great obsession with sea turtles. Starting in second grade I read every book that I could get my hands on from my elementary school's library. Soon there after my room was flooded with sea turtle figurines, posters, stuffed animals, mobiles, etc (hint - don't tell people that you collect something...unless you want millions...and that I did)
So sea turtles. My hidden (or not so hidden) obsession. I love them. I love how they glide through the water. I love their incredible colors. I love how there is so little known about these amazing creatures.
In the middle of the night, mother turtles crawl up on shore...to the very beach that they themselves were hatched, and lay their eggs. It is a very daunting task. Though sea turtles are swift in waters, they are slow and restricted on land. After about sixty days the eggs hatch, but the hatchlings are not yet home free. No, they have to, not only make it to the ocean and take their first swim, but they have to be one of the very few who survive into adult life.
Back to the night they hatch. So, they hatch. They fight their way out of the basketball size whole that they were in...and take off for the shore. To find their way they follow the moon. They follow the light.
How incredible. We are like those little hatchlings (bear with me a second). We come into the world (sometimes at the bottom of an enormous hole) and must "fight" our way to the top. Everything around us is pushing us down back into that hole. Everything around us is fighting against us, or along with us, and even after we make it out, even after we find our way to the beach, the journey is just beginning.
Like those little turtles we have to follow something,...or someone, in order to know which direction to go. We, like those little turtles, have to follow the light. Yes...there are distractions along the way...porch lights, flashlights, fog...but we ...like those little turtles, must follow the path that has been lit for us.