children laying on the floors every which way...
turning summersaults at any opportunity...
yelling answers out of turn ...
hitting one another at the slightest turn of your head...
all the while, the leaders attempt to bring forth some sort of order...some opportunity for "learning." The chosen eight sit at the edge of their seats, with quiz lights in hand, anticipating what the pastor will ask next...hoping that they will reach the ultimate glory of a "quiz out."
Yes...this is ministry...
Tonight I sat next to a little girl. She came up to me first thing this evening...her eyes so carefully marked by makeup hoping to be someone older...someone different...
innocent ...maybe,
This little girl came up to me first thing this evening and without hesitation proclaimed ..."You were funny last week," as if my quirkiness bought the admiration of this beautiful child. From that moment she stuck by me all night.
This little girl...wanting so badly to be a little girl, yet maybe unsure of what this really means.
This little girl...who yearns for a mentor...finds it in an under-qualified, overly enthusiastic, college kid...mimicking her as she pushes up her sleeves.
This little girl...smelling of smoke and unable, for some unknowable reason, to answer the simple question...do you have siblings?
This little girl...skipping gym time, just to gain a little more attention.
This little girl...declaring that she is now in my group...without any question in mind.
This little girl...who will now pervade my prayers...
is also ministry.